Campaigners trying to change the law to stop healthy rescue pets being euthanised by vets.
Tuk, a Mioritic Shepherd dog, was rescued from the streets of Romania as a five‑week‑old puppy and rehomed in the UK. But the adoption went wrong and the dog was subsequently advertised on Gumtree despite the owners having signed a contract not to pass him.
At 18 months old and healthy, Tuk was euthanised by a vet who failed to scan his original chip. Had they checked, it would have been discovered the person who requested euthanasia was not the registered keeper, and that the rescue charity would have guaranteed him a home for life.
Following his death, campaigners Sue Williams and Dawn Ashley launched an online petition called ‘Tuks Law’ so no healthy animal can be destroyed by a vet without first scanning the pet’s microchip to confirm the person requesting euthanasia has the authority to do so.
In under five months they secured 121,000 signatures but despite being introduced in Parliament last year, the law is yet to pass.
Sue, 51, and Dawn 58, have vowed not to give up. Sue said: “Tuks Law is the only campaign calling for mandatory scanning prior to euthanasia. Rescued animals with rescue back up should not be losing their lives whilst an option is in place that can save them and pets with owners should not be losing their lives without being scanned first.”
“We always remember that Tuk had to die so others could be saved.”